
Former U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan once said: “There are no good schools without good principals.  It just doesn’t exist.  And where you have good principals, great teachers come, and they stay, they work hard, and they grow.”

For the past 13 years, Nathan Kellenberger has been a really good principal at Worthingway Middle School.  Under Nathan’s leadership, the team at Worthingway has built a student-centered culture that works relentlessly to meet the needs of each student and each family in the school.

Last week, Nathan announced that he is planning to finish this school year as the principal at Worthingway but then transition into a teaching role next school year.  This is what Nathan wants, but I personally have mixed emotions.  On one hand, I’m saddened.  From my perspective, Nathan is not only a good principal but a great principal.  He cares deeply.  I’ll say that again, he cares deeply about all aspects of the school.  He’s been totally invested for 13 years.  And, thus I hate to see him step away from that role.

On the other hand, Nathan is a true professional educator, and I believe he’ll invest in teaching students in the classroom just as he has invested in leading a school.  There’s no question in my mind that the students Nathan sees in the classroom will benefit from his presence, and thus, I’m excited for those students and their families.

Before becoming a teacher, and then principal, Nathan served his country as a United States Marine.  When some of us were messing around in college, he was jumping out of airplanes in training.  It’s the same discipline and dedication that Nathan brought to the Marines that he brought to his leadership position in our schools.  He’s done amazing work, and he’d tell you that it’s time for someone else to get to work with this awesome Worthingway team.  

I’m thankful for what Nathan has given to Worthington as a school leader.  I’m excited about what he’ll give in the years to come as a teacher.  Thanks for your continued service to kids, Nathan!  #ItsWorthIt 

-Trent Bowers, Superintendent


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