Master Facilities Update

When school started in August, we opened with our new K-5 elementary school, 6-8 middle school and 9-12 high school structure.  In order to make this transition possible, we’ve been rebuilding and adding on to each of our middle schools under Phase 1 of our Master Facilities Plan.  For five weeks now students have been learning in the new Perry Middle School and the totally renovated Phoenix Middle School.  Our new Worthingway, McCord and Kilbourne Middle spaces are full of natural light, bright colors and open and airy learning areas.  It’s so cool to see this progress happening in our mature community.

Please take a moment and check out a quick review of each space here.

This weekend and next weekend we will be having an open house for the community to walk through our new spaces.  The open houses are designed for you to come and go as you please but we want you to see these new learning spaces.  

Sunday, September 19, 1-4 p.m.

Kilbourne Middle School

Worthingway Middle School

Sunday, September 26, 1-4 p.m.

McCord Middle School

Perry Middle School

Additionally, our Master Facilities Task Force has been hard at work for the past several months planning for the next phase of facility improvements in Worthington Schools.  Last week we held a community meeting in order to get your thoughts on the next phase.  Many of you participated in person, but if you were unable to do so we’d still like your thoughts.  Please take a few minutes and review the video and provide your feedback on the survey.  

Master Facilities Plan Phase Two Presentation and Survey

As a large school district with older facilities we know we will need to invest heavily in our buildings over the next ten years.  Doing so will improve the experience for our students, keep Worthington a desirable location for those looking to move here and will benefit the entire community for the next half century.  Let’s celebrate what we’ve accomplished together and continue to work to build our shared positive future.

-Trent Bowers, Superintendent


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